Zoom Invitation

Thursday Bible Study Schedule

PB’s Thursday Morning Bible Study – Exodus!

We finished Genesis with the great story of Joseph.  The chosen people are now in Egypt and are preserved and safe from the famine but a new Pharaoh will quickly come on the scene who forgets Joseph and how he saved all of Egypt.  God’s people become a threat and … Well come and find out what happens next!  Are you retired and have an opening on Thursday mornings? Maybe you have Thursday mornings off?  Why not put something new into your week and come join the 30 other folks who find this time so meaningful? There is room for more. Oh, and don’t worry, no one is ever put on the spot.  Don’t miss this opportunity to delve into this amazing book and story.

Click to view past sessions



Haven’t participated in Pastor Bill’s Thursday Bible study before?  Now is the time to join in.  The class is held simultaneously in-person (fellowship Hall) and on Zoom.  The class is also Livestreamed on Facebook.

Not on the Thursday Bible study list? Email slc@silverdalelutheran.org and let Bruce know and he will add you.

Watch the E-News weekly for the Thursday Bible Study Topics!


Thursday Bible Study Reference Material              Click to View Recorded Sessions