What to Expect on Sundays

(FAQ’s on bottom of page)

We would love to see you at SLC and hopefully these FAQ’s are helpful.  If you have other questions, please don’t hesitate to call (360) 692-9263 or email:  slc@silverdalelutheran.org

What time is your Sunday worship?

We have two worship services. September to May they are at 8:30 am & 11am with sunday School for all generations happens between services, beginning at 9:40am. During the Summer they are at 8:30am and 10:30am with summer brunches or fellowship between services.

Where is Silverdale Lutheran Church?

We’re located in Silverdale’s Ridgetop neighborhood at 11701 Ridgepoint Drive NW, just across from the gas station and veterinary clinic.  Our digital sign is visible from Ridgetop Blvd.

Do you have parking?

Abundant parking is available on most Sundays.  Overflow parking is available for special Sundays and Easter and Christmas (across the street at the Ridgetop Animal Hospital or Peninsula Psychological Center).

What time should I arrive for worship?

People generally show up 10 or 15 minutes before the service starts, however stragglers are totally welcome.  During the summer we offer Brunch (by donation) between services at 10am.

When you arrive?

A greeter will be at the main entrance to greet you and can answer any questions you may have.  When you enter the worship space, an usher will hand you a bulletin that contains the order of worship– it’s very easy for visitors to follow along as everything is printed out!


Our church building is wheelchair accessible.  We have automatic door openers installed on the front entrance and also on the doors leading to the restrooms near the Fellowship Hall.  Ask the usher if you’d like a large-print bulletin or hearing assistance device to use during worship.

What should I wear?

Whatever you wear, you will be welcome.  Some people like to dress up a bit at Silverdale Lutheran Church, while others prefer to be very casual.  On any given Sunday you’ll see jeans, dress shirts, t-shirts, Seahawk/Mariner Jerseys, suits and dresses.

Do you have childcare?

Yes – nursery care is available during worship for children newborn to 4 years of age.  We love having all ages in worship, but children may attend Kids’ word during the readings and sermon at the late service.  Kids’ Word is a supervised way for young children to hear the stories of God’s love at their level.

Do you have Sunday School?

Yes!  We have Sunday School classes for children and adults.  Registration for youth Sunday school classes will be open in August.  Sunday school is for pre-K through high school meet in the Gathering Place [the other big building on campus].  Adult Sunday School meets in the Fellowship Hall between services.  Sunday school meets almost every week but does take breaks during major holidays and during the summer.


What does Lutheran” mean? 

We are a Christian church; “Lutheran” is an adjective that describes our history and convictions.  Our core message is that our relationship to God—forgiveness, peace, and salvation, are not earned by good deeds, but are a free gift of God’s grace that we receive through faith in Jesus Christ alone.

Do you worship Martin Luther?

No, Martin Luther was an ordinary person, as we like to say, a “sainted sinner” just like all of us.  Our church has “Luther” in our name because we are part of a movement he started in the 16the century called the Reformation. Luther did not start a new church or religion.  We claim to be part of the one authentic and universal church that started with the original followers of Jesus.

Why does your worship require so much participation by the congregation? 

In our worship, we think of God as the “audience” and ourselves as the “performers.”  Think about learning to play an instrument. It takes some practice and our worship service is a little like that.  We use a format for our service that pays homage to the earliest years of Christianity and most of the words we speak and sing are directly from the Bible or based on scripture. For a much more in-depth answer to this question, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNyIMFNx4s4.

Can you explain a little bit about the flow of your worship service?

The first part of our service Gathers us together and prepares us to hear the scriptures and sermon. After the time of the Word where we hear scripture and the sermon, we have a time of Responding to the good news by proclaiming our belief, praying, and giving an offering that symbolizes our giving of our whole lives to God.  Then we move to the Meal (Communion) and finish with a blessing and final song that Sends us out into our daily lives. For a more in-depth explanation of our worship process and content, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9l7o2K7CrU.