Prayer Chain Ministry –  SLC has an active Prayer Chain Ministry.  It is available whenever there is a need in your family, for a friend, or any prayer concern.  All prayer requests are treated with confidentiality.  How the Prayer Chain works: The church is notified (by phone, email or connect card) simply stating the prayer concern and request.  The office notifies the pastors of the concern and then emails and all participants who are “Pray-ers”.  Prayer Chain Form

Care Ministry  – Care Ministry gives support and assistance to the elderly, disabled, chronically ill, and their families.  Non-medical “quality of life” needs of individuals such as transportation, errands, friendly visits and occasional meals are provided free of charge.  To become a care-receiver or care-giver please contact the church office at:

Eucharistic Ministry — Eucharistic Ministers take consecrated Communion elements from the altar each Sunday to the sick and homebound.  We also provide a Holy Communion Service to two major assisted living facilities in the Silverdale area once a month.  If you are unable to get to worship on a regular basis or would like to serve in this important ministry, please contact Kim Grasmick at

Silverdale Lutheran Quilters  –  Quilters meet each Monday from 9:00am-1:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.  Our quilts go to Lutheran World Relief and are sent wherever there is a need.  We can use clean, gently used sheets, drapes, blankets and new materials you may no longer want.  Want to read more?  Visit the LOVE IN ACTION Edition all about the Quilters.

Prayer Shawl Ministry – We prayerfully knit or crochet Prayer Shawls, baby squares  (for unborn babies) and baby caps for anyone in the community to comfort and/or celebrate life’s experiences from birth to death.  Both the creator of the shawl and those who receive them are reminded of God’s everlasting presence in our lives.

In Touch” Card Ministry  –  Do you have a creative “artsy” side?  Do you like to make cards and reach out to those who need a word of encouragement?  This ministry sends cards to visitors of our church and to all those who need our prayers and encouragement.

Labyrinth – The labyrinth, dated back to ancient times, is a way to experience and celebrate their relationship to God, life, and nature through “active” prayer. Silverdale Lutheran is blessed to have a beautiful labyrinth that evokes prayer and meditation on our campus. You are always welcome to come walk the labyrinth to pray, contemplate, or connect with God through active prayer.  Commemorative bricks are available to be placed in the labyrinth. Contact the church office with interest in purchasing a brick.

Interested in learning more?

Visit the LOVE IN ACTION Edition about are SLC Care Ministry.