Worship Participation and Support
Acolyte – This is a youth ministry that assists with our weekly worship. Sunday involvement includes carrying the cross, lighting the altar candles and helping serve communion at either the first or second service. Ages 10-15.
Altar Care – Would you enjoy making our worship space welcoming and inviting? This important ministry prepares the sanctuary space for weekly worship. It involves coordinating and setting up the altar area for weekly services by laying out the cloth paraments (or changing them when seasons change), checking the candles and flowers, and setting up for communion and Baptism (if one is scheduled). Time commitment is one month a year, working with a small team of people. Want to learn more? Visit the LOVE IN ACTION Edition about our Altar Guild Ministry. Love In Action – Altar Guild
Audio Team – Volunteer to assist in the audio controls during worship, and record sermons and readings to be uploaded to the website.
Liturgist – Sings the liturgy as Worship Assistant usually about once every two months. If you would like to assist, please contact Greg Patterson at: gregory.patterson@gmail.com
Scripture Reader – Do you like to read aloud? Would you like to share your gift of reading scripture with the congregation? This ministry gives people the opportunity to read the Sunday scripture lessons at either the first or second service. Interested? Email Katie Shaw at katiejshaw1826@gmail.com
Communion Assistant – If you are interested in serving as a communion assistant please contact Jane Rhodes at oeschlin92746@yahoo.com
Usher – Do you have the gift of hospitality and could help people feel welcome on Sunday mornings? We’d like to invite you to be a part of our ushering ministry! Participating in this ministry includes welcoming people as they walk in the doors, handing out bulletins, gathering the offering, and directing people forward for communion at either the first or second service.