The IMPACT PLAYER for any child on the journey of faith is their FAMILY. It might be two parents, a single parent, adoptive parents, foster parents, relatives, or multi-generation, but families make the first and greatest impact on a child. We will not replace that impact here at SLC, but rather SUPPORT it and CELEBRATE it. And we do that, in part, through STEPPING STONES at particular times in the life of a child. We like to call it our CRADLE TO THE CAP ministry.

Stone 1: Birth to Preschool: Childcare for the young ones and an opportunity for parents to get off on the right foot (not to mention some adult conversation and food). We meet to strengthen our parenting practices, to build connections, and to learn how to make faith a part of our practice every night in every home.

Stone 2: Early Elementary: My Bible: Four sessions highlighting 120 key verses in young readers’ Bibles. Youth and family commit to READ a Bible verse nightly, and SHARE Highs & Lows, prayer and blessing nightly. Child receives a ‘used’ bible with all their highlighted verses, ready to open and share and use. Taught over four weeks in October for third grade and up.

Stone 3: Livin’ Forgivin’: Three sessions for 5th and 6th grade Youth and parents looking at the impact of Holy Communion on a life of living in the promise of being forgiven, and practicing FORGIVENESS in daily life. Taught in the Sunday School classroom every other year

Stone 4: Surviving Adolescence: Three sessions on “Surviving Adolescence” where youth and parents learn and commit to the art of theological REFLECTION (i.e. putting the Bible verse and the Highs & Lows of the day together to ask “What is God saying to us today?”), and adding this to the previous faith practices of confession/absolution, Bible reading, Highs & Lows, prayer and blessing. Taught in the fall of 7th grade year. This leads into Confirmation, our junior high ministry of deep faith questions and connections.

Stone 5: Graduation: Three sessions spread over the fall, winter, and spring where high school seniors and their parents look back at God’s blessings, look to the moment, and look to the future of their new callings.

For more information on Stepping Stones at Silverdale Lutheran, please contact Pastor Jonathan at