WHY PEOPLE DO NOT BELIEVE  – PB’s Winter Adult Education Class – Sundays at 9:45am beginning January 12th

Although not the most prevalent reason people do not worship or belong to a church, disbelief is a significant factor for many both in never worshipping or in exiting their Church.  What are the current main reasons for unbelief?  It is our hope that many who struggle to believe will attend the upcoming Sunday morning sessions.  However, it is also the goal of this class to enable us to engage in meaningful and respectful conversation with the unbelieving.  After all, for many of us, it is a family member or spouse who does not believe.  Each session in this series will examine a reason for disbelief.  Of course, as we do so, we will offer graceful and meaningful responses to each reason for unbelief. In other words, as we study unbelief, we will also be proclaiming reasons to believe in the self-revelation of God in Jesus Christ.

February 23   Cultural and Social Influences

Some grow up in secular environments where religion is not emphasized or is viewed critically. Exposure to diverse religious beliefs can lead to skepticism about the validity of any single faith.

January 12          Lack of Evidence

Many non-believers cite the absence of empirical evidence for the existence of God as a key reason. They may argue that belief in God requires faith in claims that cannot be scientifically tested or verified.

January 19         The Problem of Evil

The existence of suffering, injustice, and natural disasters leads some to question the idea of a benevolent, omnipotent deity. This is often referred to as the “problem of evil” or theodicy.

January 26         The Problem of Evil Cont.

February 2         Scout Breakfast (no class)

February 9         CS Lewis on Unbelief (Rev. Hoyum)   

Pastor Hoyum, a CS Lewis scholar, will teach a class on Lewis’ journey from atheism to Christianity which will be very germane to our work on reasons people do not believe.

February 16     Scientific Explanations  

The rise of scientific explanations for phenomena once attributed to divine intervention (e.g., the Big Bang, evolution) has made some see belief in God as unnecessary. A naturalistic worldview may replace the need for supernatural explanations.

February 23   Cultural and Social Influences

Some grow up in secular environments where religion is not emphasized or is viewed critically. Exposure to diverse religious beliefs can lead to skepticism about the validity of any single faith.

March 2      Philosophical or Logical Challenges

Philosophers and skeptics may point to logical contradictions in religious doctrines (e.g., questions about free will versus divine omniscience). They may argue that the concept of God is incoherent or unfalsifiable.

March 9     Negative Experiences with Religion

Personal experiences of hypocrisy, abuse, or corruption within religious institutions can lead to disillusionment. Some see organized religion as overly dogmatic, controlling, or divisive.

March 16     Moral Independence & Psychological

Some prefer to base their ethics and morality on secular humanism rather than divine commandments. They may view religious moral frameworks as outdated or overly rigid.  Psychologists like Sigmund Freud have suggested that belief in God arises from psychological needs, such as a “father figure,” which some may reject as unnecessary.

March 23    Existential and Personal Freedom & Religious Pluralism

Some people find meaning and purpose in life without invoking a deity, embracing existential philosophies or individual autonomy.  Awareness of the vast number of religions and their often contradictory claims can lead some to conclude that none are likely to be true.

Haven’t been attending the adult education time on Sundays?  Give it a try! There are no tests! It is a safe place. Do something new in the new year and give God’s Word more time to build up your faith and life!

PB’s Christmas 2024  “Key Passages & the Incarnation” Is available by clicking HERE.

PB’s Fall 2024 “The Great Dechurching” in America can be viewd by clicking HERE 

PB’s Fall 2023 “Mining the Depths of the Lord’s Prayer” can be viewed by clicking HERE

PB’s Spring 2023 “Let’s Do Some Theology can be viewed by clicking HERE

Pastor Ron’s “History of the Bible” can be viewed by clicking HERE.

PB’s Fall 2022 Sunday Class “Gems from the Apostle Paul” can be viewed by clicking HERE.

PB’s 2021 Sunday Class “Romans Renovation” can be viewed by clicking HERE