Connect More to Christ
We are making a commitment as a church to connect more people to Jesus Christ and break not only our size barrier, but other barriers that prevent people from experiencing God’s grace and love.
Specifically, we will:
- Make learning to share our faith story part of everything we do at SLC.
- Identify and address specific needs in our community [Love Kitsap].
- Implement a course or program specifically designed for those with questions about the Christian faith.
- Provide entry points [community groups, service groups, etc.] for all people, encompassing all generations.
Ways to Engage
- Add the Sunday School hour to your Sunday worship and/or take part in a midweek service group, Bible study, community group, Circle, etc.
- Support the “Break the Barrier Fund” which will be used for funding the staffing that will support our outreach goals.
- Commit to the “50 Days of Faith” daily devotional readings leading up to the October 31st 500th Anniversary of the Reformation.
- Participate in, support, or invite someone to the ALPHA course.
- Team up with a small group to help out in our community, e.g. at a food bank, shelter, school, etc.
- Like, comment, invite and/or post about SLC using your social media accounts.
Click the blue button below to view the Strategic Plan.
Strategic Plan