Alzheimer’s Support Group – This group meets the first & third Tuesday of every month in the study. Join others who are affected by the memory loss of a loved one, in a supporting atmosphere.
Joy Circle – This ministry welcomes all women of the congregation to join us as we learn from and are encouraged by our monthly Bible studies, discussion, and prayer time. We meet the fourth Monday of the month at 7:00 pm in Room 4 at SLC (September – November, and January – June). Through fellowship time we develop friendship bonds that provide support and comfort for each other. Our monthly offerings help support various ministries of the congregation. We welcome new members at any time!
Naomi Circle – This women’s ministry meets the second Tuesday morning of the month in members’ homes. Time is spent in Bible study and fellowship. Offerings are accumulated and donated to a worthy cause.
Esther Circle – This women’s ministry meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 9:30 am in Room 4 at the church. Our main emphasis is Bible study. Our circle has been an active part of our church for over 40 years (we are all ages), and we have provided each other with support in our Christian faith through sharing and caring along the way. We LOVE to have new women come and visit and welcome anyone to join us at any time!
Ladies Night Out – Women aged 18 and up gather together on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 for fellowship and fun. Sample activities have included movie nights, paint-and-sips, Bible studies, and more. The no-cost nursery is available for children 5 and under.
Man Date – The Man-Date meets once a month. Each night there will be a topic for discussion, but this is simply a time where guys can come and talk about whatever joys or struggles they are having with faith and life. Meeting locations vary, for example SLC Firepit, Taqueria El Huarache, etc.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast – The Men’s Prayer Breakfast is about being fed with food for the body AND the soul. We pray for those in need, have a short Bible study and breakfast with fellowship together. We meet every Friday morning at 8am at the Silverdale Bowling Alley. All men are welcome to please join us!
Annual Silverdale Lutheran Golf Tournament – Our golf tournament is held every September at Rolling Hills Golf Course in Bremerton. Scramble format allows for fun competition regardless of skill level. Great fellowship opportunity! A barbeque follows the tournament. ALL ARE WELCOME! We look forward to seeing you there.
Church League Softball Team – A great Spring & Summer activity open to both guys & gals-we play other church teams in Kitsap County. Wonderful family fun!
Olympic Lutherhaven – Lutherhaven is a wonderful picnic, swimming and recreational facility on Wildcat Lake, co-owned by SLC with other local Lutheran churches. We use this site for various fellowship opportunities: Family Camp, All Church Youth Bible Camp, our Annual SLC Picnic, and youth activities like Wednesday evening Bonfire Nights. We participate in work projects to maintain and improve the site. Please consider helping support this great fellowship site or helping plan events held there.
Disc Golf, various locations and times. If you don’t have discs, fear not-we have some starter sets to share! Curious about the awesome sport that is disc golf??? All are welcome.
Silverdale Lutheran Church Picnic – A special time in our summer experience when we gather at Olympic Lutherhaven for the annual church picnic. We kick off this great fellowship experience with a brief outdoor worship service, followed by a potluck meal, games (like the Men’s High Heel Fling!), water sports and fun.
SLC Family Camp – Every summer, SLC families gather for outdoor recreation, crafts, fellowship, campfire experiences and Bible study at our lovely Olympic Lutherhaven on Wildcat Lake, usually known simply as Lutherhaven.